Terms & conditions

You agree to access and browse the ROGER corpus platform only in good faith, for research, study, or teaching. It is forbidden to use the ROGER platform and the ROGER corpus for any type of commercial purposes. It is also forbidden to amend or copy information from the ROGER platform and the ROGER corpus and use it as your own, to forward the amended version, to distribute, reproduce, adapt, and process it as well as to use, copy, or distribute the end product of the above-mentioned operation for unspecified or commercial purposes.

Under no circumstances should the corpus be used for dishonest purposes such as plagiarism. If the corpus data is used in bad faith, access to the platform will be fully denied and the competent authorities will be informed.

If you use the data from the ROGER corpus or this platform for dissemination purposes, please take into consideration that this material is protected by

CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.

If you use the ROGER platform and the ROGER corpus for research, study or teaching, you should include a reference to it in your teaching or published materials.

Cite ROGER corpus as:
Chitez, M., Bercuci, L., Dincă, A., Rogobete, R., & Csürös, K. (2021). Corpus of Romanian Academic Genres (ROGER). West University of Timisoara. Available here.

Cite ROGER corpus platform as:
Strilețchi, C., Chitez, M. & Csürös, K. (2022). Building Roger: Technical Challenges While Developing a Bilingual Corpus Management and Query Platform. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies - ICSOFT, 10-12 July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, SciTePress, 390-398. Available here.

Alternative citation for ROGER corpus data:
Chitez, M. (2022). Corpus of Romanian Academic Genres ROGER. Slovenian language resource repository CLARIN.SI, ISSN 2820-4042. Available here.